Here you will find an overview of all events that are currently offered by Lisa. These are either once-off events or programs and courses that run for a specific amount of time. For booking or more info please get in touch. Most events require a deposit payment to secure your space.
A 5 month group program for women of all ages to deeply connect to the nature of their cyclical bodies, rites of passage and experiences of life.
We will travel deeply through the different cycles, archetypes, soul purposes, rites of passage and portals of transformation that are inherent in a woman's life.
This is a deep, transformational journey for women, taking place as
4 full-day in person events in Clonakilty, West Cork, Ireland and supported by online Zoom sessions and online resources running over the course of 5 months.
Coming Home To Yourself
A six-month deep journey of self-discovery, self-development, nourishment, transformation, and healing for women
Combining the modalities and tools of psychotherapy, group therapy, yoga and body awareness, pranayama and breath awareness, spiritual practice, yoga philosophy, and shamanic tools (such as shamanic journeying and nature rituals and ceremonies) throughout a 6 month group healing and transformation process
The intention of the program is to help and support each woman on her journey of deep connection to herself, to help her see and understand her story, patterns, and behaviors in a new way and to help her transform and set herself free from all that no longer serves her on her way forward.
Deep Dive Breathwork
This is a closed container for a small group of participants who have participated in Breathwork events or retreats with me before in the past and wish to deepen the therapeutic quality of this work.
This program consists of 3 back-to-back Breathwork weekends which are supported by weekly zoom meetings in which deeper therapeutic processing and integration of the experiences is offered. This offers a unique way of working very intensely and deeply over a short period of time while being deeply supported.
Sacred Rage Workshops
This workshop is a very deep container for participants to be safely guided to connect to one of the most challenging emotions.... Sacred Rage
Only when we get to safely feel all that is can we have a chance to move past and through it. This is where healing happens
Throughout the day participants are guided through various embodiment practices, meditations and rituals and ceremonies to safely connect to -, express -, and release any rage that is stored in our bodies so we can find deep peace.
This is a deep and therapeutic space that combines different psychotherapeutic modalities alongside eastern and shamanic practices.
These workshops are offered for women and men separately. Please get in touch to find out the next upcoming dates.