Elements of the Feminine

A 5 month group program for women of all ages to deeply connect to the nature of their cyclical bodies, rites of passage and experiences of life

We will travel deeply through the different cycles, archetypes, soul purposes, rites of passage and portals of transformation that are inherent in a woman's life.
Each time, diving deep to explore, understand and unravel our stories and conditionings around these portals and bringing love and healing to any wounds. We will tap into ancient wisdom and practices from different spiritual lineages as well as using therapeutic processing and integration tools to reclaim and initiate ourselves through these portals and stages of life in new, more meaningful, and aligned ways. As a group of women, we will witness and empower each other to shed old, no longer serving versions of ourselves and support each other into new ways of being.
This is a deep, transformational journey for women, taking place as 4 full-day in person events in Clonaklilty, West Cork, Ireland and supported by online Zoom sessions and online resources running over the course of 5 months
The work we will be doing will be deep and at times move us close or even beyond our usual comfort zones. So this program is in alignment with any woman who is deeply committed to her well-being and significant transformation and who is ready to reclaim her innocence, power, softness, sexuality and sacred rage in a loving and meaningful way.
The main pillars of the program are the 4 full day in-person events running every 4 weeks which will be supported by online sessions and online resources before and after each event.
The 4 main portals and initiations we will be working through are:
Each full day will be dedicated to the honouring, embodiment, initiation and healing of the 4 archetypes Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman and Crone.
Related to each of these archetypes, we will be working with the topics of Sensuality, Sexuality, Sacred Rage and Death.
Our female bodies go through various rites of passages and portals in our lifetime and our bodies are cyclical in nature. Different than in male bodies, our energetic and spiritual changes are signified and accompanied by physical changes in our bodies.
Menarche, our first menstrual bleed, starts at the time of puberty and moves us from being a child into our maidenhood, in which we slowly grow into the awareness of being sensual and sexual beings and awakening these (until then latent) energies in our bodies. From then on, our bodies are deeply alligned to the cycles of life, the planetray shifts and movements, and the elements of nature. Our bodies repeatedly preparing the fertile soil within our being to create, nurture and sustain new life and wash and cleanse everything that is no longer needed and in service of creation out of our bodies. Month after month.
Our Maiden years are when we claim our independence, beauty, sensuality and magic. Its a time when we are full of ethusiasm, courage and are excited about the future. The Maiden is the Virgin, the innocent part of us that sees potential in everything. She is carefree and only responsible for herself and her well-being.
Her oracle awakens in this time and she awakens to her blood magic.
Pregnancy, Birth (and the loss of a child) are physical manifestations of the of the mother archetype. We initiate into the mother archetype, the moment our lives (and bodies) are no longer just in service to ourselves, but to creation itself.... Creating, gestating, sustaining and nurturing new life on this earth. The Mother is the fertile part of us, the part of us that births things into the world for real. She is compassionate, protective, nurturing, devotional, understanding, encouraging, and big-hearted.
She is able to take the energy and enthusiasm of the Maiden and turn it into focused action. Able to birth both life and creations into the world, manifesting thought and concept into form. Human life is created through the act of sex, and stepping fully into our sexuality in a more mature way is a significant aspect of this portal: the mother knows her body so intimately well, that she can fully embody her turn on, sexual desires and passion without some of the insecurities or immaturity of the Maiden.
The transition from our cyclical, fertile bodies into the last stage of more peaceful and mature ways of being is the time of the Wild Woman archetype.
It is a time of great upheaval in which we have the chance to take care of any unfinished business through the elevated levels of life force which become available to us at this time.
It is a time of great burning – physically and emotionally – of all that is no longer serving our highest good. It is the time of sacred rage that is in service to the well-being of all, cutting through all that is not love and freeing us from our old stories, conditionings and wounding.
The Wild Woman archetype also awakens in us the Medicine Woman and/or the Healer, she is in touch with - and recognised for - her inner medicine and magic. She knows her worth, is guided by her intuition and calls upon it regularly.
Our peri-menopausal years can stretch over a long period of time, allowing us to shed layer after layer, skin after skin, so we are ready for the last and most important initiation
Once the storms of the Wild Woman have passed and our female bodies are relieved of their sacred life-giving duties, the most sacred time awaits: The Crone Archetype.
Released of any gravitational pull of worldly duties, our hearts, bodies and souls let go and surrender into the elevation of spirit. “Beingness” becomes our sacred duty and we become even more receiving vessels for spirit to work through us.
The Crone is the wisdom keeper, the one who has the ultimate perspective and has nothing left to prove. She is able to see with absolute clarity and advise in a selfless way, as she has no ulterior motives. She has a certain patience about her, having been through it all herself, and no longer cares what people think.
This is the time in a womans life to to pass on wisely and quietly all her gifts to the generations to come so she can start preparing for her embarking of the last portal of this earthly existence: Dying and Death.
Intention of the Program
In our western and modern world, we seldomly view, honor or live these significant portals in a womans life or support her to move through these times of great transition in a way that elevate her emotional, physical and spiritual evolution.
Instead we have medicalised, sterilised, compartmentalised, utilised and moneytised these portals, leading to complete disconnection to their magic and inflicting wounds such as shame, guilt, numbness and disconnect.
The 4 key aspect of these 4 portals, Sensuality, Sexuality, Sacred Rage and Death, are equally hijacked and de-spiritualised by our modern, western cultures. It is not an easy undertaking for a modern woman of this time to fully embrace, live and embody the sacredness and fullness of her sensuality, sexuality, rage, decay and death. I
- We will be supported to review and understand with compassion how these portals have been available to us (or not) or which outdated concepts and understandings we hold towards the portals yet to come
- We will work with different modalities to bring healing to any wounds associated with these portals
- We will re-initiate ourselves through these portals through sacred ceremony and ritual
- We will deeply connect and re-connect to our sacred Sensuality, Sexuality, Rage and Death
What to expect from the program
- A safe space to be seen, heard, and held in all aspects of your being
- Support and guidance through deep self-inquiry and self-discovery
- Nourishment and care for your heart, soul, mind, and body
- Deep embodiment practices connecting to the themes we will be exploring
- Deeper connection to your body, especially your womb - and heart- space through gentle yoga practices
- Guided practices and resources for your home practice
- Deep connection to other women, forming a sisterhood and long lasting friendships
- Releasing yourself from patterns, behaviours and ways of being that no longer serve you on your way forward
- Reclaiming and (re-)initiating yourself through the sacred portals of Womanhood
Modalities used throughout the in-person events and Zoom sessions:
- Group therapy processing / therapeutic inquiry
- Sharing Circles / Listening from the Heart
- Different Yoga practices (gentle hatha yoga, womb yoga, yoga nidra, restorative yoga)
- Pranayama and meditation
- Transformational Embodiment practices
- Journaling and self inquiry invitations
- Sound healing / sound bath
- Shamanic Journeying
- Cacao ceremony and Blue Lotus Ceremony
- Music, movement, and dance
- Mantra and Sacred song
- Wisdom teachings
- Sacred Ceremony and Ritual
Each full-day event will be dedicated to one of the archetypes.
The program runs from May 2024 until September 2024
It includes 4 full day (in person) events in West Cork which will take place on Sundays from 10am - 6 pm.
There will be Zoom-meetings for all participants 2 weeks before each event day and 1 integration zoom meeting 2 weeks after the last in person day.
Zoom meetings take place Tuesday evenings from 7.30 – 9.30 pm
Participants also receive online resources, materials and guidance throughout the course of the program
Cost is 500 Euros
(can be paid in 5 monthly instalments)
To book, please contact Lisa at
087/2698681 or
Full day events from 10 am – 6pm at the Spillers Lane Yoga Studio in Clonakilty, West Cork:
Sunday 02.06
Sunday 30.06
Sunday 04.08
Sunday 01.09
Zoom meetings from 7-9pm:
Tuesday 28.05
Tuesday 11.06
Tuesday 16.07
Tuesday 13.08
Tuesday 03.09
Testimonials from past programs:
I got a lot from this course it allowed me to be myself for the first time in my life. The group setting allowed me to open up to my feelings which I had found difficult to express. These feelings had been suppressed for years .
Healing with others definitely helped me, we could all relate to each others stories . I am grateful that I had the opportunity to complete the course with Lisa and the lovely people I met on this journey.
The in person days are something that I will always treasure in my heart.
A lot of different modalities are used but my favourite are the sound baths . (Mesmerising ) .There is something for everyone (meditation, mantras to name a few )
Lisa is a great facilitator and is always there to offer support .
Lisa’s course was amazing. She skilfully offered a steadily deepening exploration of what it means to embrace fully being a woman. She supported us to connect deeply with our vibrant and vastly creative inner energy and to balance it with steadiness and grounding. She offered many skillful means we could explore and adopt like journaling, chanting, journeying, creating nourishing rituals…
She offers all this with such skill, space, warmth, acceptance and care for each and every one of us.
Participating in Lisa’s course is like soaking in a warm and deeply nourishing bath of acceptance and self acceptance , of seeing and being seen, of connection within and with each other.
Sometimes deeply soothing, sometimes deeply caring, sometimes challenging, Lisa offers a very skilfully held space of reflection, trust and growth.
I did Lisa's "Coming Home to Yourself" programme over six months.
It was deeply nourishing and compassionately challenging - being very well structured and exquisitely held. There was so much depth, so much material, so many different modalities (chanting,yoga,meditation,movement,journaling, massage, shamanic journeying etc) so much utter love and expansion.
Lisa is a wonderful holder of space - she is compassionate, patient, wise and kind. She has a gift with words and intuitively leads beautiful meditations. You couldn't be in better hands. The thing with Lisa is that she has done the hard work and continues to do so. She has gone through the fires and come out the other side keen to support others in their journeys. She is a wise woman in the truest sense of the archetype.
And Lisa encourages you to work at your own pace - “all is welcome” was the oh-so-soothing mantra of the course, whether that be a desire to clam up and say nothing or a desire to rage at the universe. All was truly welcome to be seen, expressed, and purged - if that seemed appropriate.
The work I did is still unfolding in me for which I am extremely grateful.
I highly recommend this course in particular and working with Lisa in general.